World Book day 2025
We had an amazing opportunity to take part in a live zoom from the UKSPACE agency. We thoroughly enjoyed this session. Did you know that it takes about 7 months to get to Mars!
Design and Technology
Today we tasted two different tomato sauces, tomato with chunky mushrooms and tomatoes with onions and garlic. Lots of us liked the mushrooms better.
Today we used our crumbles to programme a dancing person with flashing lights,
This half term in Geography with Miss Brough our key enquiry is ‘WHY IS FAIR TRADE FAIR?’
We have learnt all about The Silk Road and the history of trade from thousands of years ago and this week have been looking at Marco Polo, the young trader from Venice who travelled along the Silk Road for many years. We have also learnt about how Marco Polo (the now named container ship in the traders honour) visits the UK at Southport every 11 weeks carrying 16,020 containers full of commodities that the United Kingdom is importing. To support our geographical skills we have been using an OS map extract of Southampton to label positions on a satellite image. The children had to find rivers, bridges, container terminals, power stations, parks, a football stadium and many more places. You can see pictures of them below working hard with both their OS map and satellite image. They did a fantastic job! Well done Year 5!
Jewish Museum
Today, we visited the Jewish Museum in Cheetham Hill, where we explored many aspects of Jewish culture and traditions. We started by learning about the Sabbath, followed by making our own challah bread. We also learned about the diversity within Jewish communities, such as Orthodox, Reform, Secular, Ashkenazi, and Sephardi traditions. Additionally, we explored fundamental elements of Judaism, including the Ten Commandments, the Torah, and the Ark. We had the unique opportunity to sit in a synagogue that has been here for 150 years, experiencing its history firsthand. Finally, we sampled various foods from the Seder plate, immersing ourselves in different flavours and customs.
Engineering Educates workshop
Christmas cards
It’s that time of year again where we are designing Christmas cards! Time is flying by!
Our class saint is St John Paul II.
We are doing dance in P.E. Here we are trying out our moves,
We had a special visit from Premier Stars football. Harry came and spoke to us about Racism. We listened well and thoroughly enjoyed his talk.
We played match the Roman Numerals in Maths. We enjoyed this. Test me on my numbers!