As part of our work on other religions, we had an interesting assembly and workshop with Imran, who taught us more about the Muslim month of Ramadan and the festival which follows it, Eid.
We really enjoyed our Well-being Day in school!
We learnt more about staying safe online in an assembly led by ChildNet, worked on jigsaws, learned some circus skills, tried orienteering, yoga and even had a sound bath!
As part of our artwork on sculpture, we created mini installation spaces inspired by the work of artist Cai Guo-Qiang.
Have a look at the results here:
We had a great day at Yorkshire Sculpture Park, viewing work by the sculptor Erwin Wurm and creating our own ‘1 minute’ living sculptures as well.
Passion play
Today we had a visit from Dolphin Academy, teaching us all about water safety and what to do in case of an emergency.
As part of our work on Ancient Greece, we had the opportunity to examine some recreations of historic artefacts.
These helped us to learn more about the beliefs and daily lives of those who lived in the Greek city states.
To celebrate Science Week at St Peter’s, we have welcomed visiting scientists who have shared their knowledge and taught us more about the importance of science in our everyday lives. We learnt about carbon and the importance of reducing our reliance on this for environmental reasons, and the use of forensic science in criminal investigations.
Today we’ve been out with City of Trees, helping to plant over 200 saplings on the school field - a mixture of cherry, birch, crab apple and oak.
As part of our work on Space, we took part in an online workshop today which taught us about satellites and how space junk is removed, amongst other things. This was an interactive workshop as we answered questions and made decisions along the way.
Recently, we worked on persuasive letters in English. We wrote to the prime minister, Rishi Sunak, to persuade him to extend free school meals so all children in need have access to a healthy meal during the school day.
We received a reply from Downing Street, which you can read below.
In Computing, we have been developing our video editing skills and using these to create videos which publicise St Peter’s and all it has to offer. Have a look at our hard work below.
As part of our Design Technology work on foods from around the world, we tried our hand at German pretzels and developed our kneading skills!
Have a listen to our final recording of the 12 bar blues!
Here we are reading our Religion books on King David to the Year One children. We wanted to share this important part of God’s story with them as we move into the Advent season.
In Science we tried to answer the question, ‘Does hot chocolate need to be hot?’ We compared how well the powder dissolved in waters of different temperatures.
In Science, our task was to make the dirty water as clean as possible!
We used different equipment and learnt more about how to separate mixtures using processes such as sieving, filtration and magnetic attraction.
Here we are playing the 12 bar blues in music with Mrs Reynolds!
Please keep coming back to visit so that you can see all of the fun and exciting things we get up to in class!