Feel Good Friday

 We thoroughly enjoyed Feel Good Friday. We were visited by Ruby who started our day with some mindfulness meditation. She then taught us how to make Christmas origami stars, which we used to decorate our classroom. During the day, we also took part in a dance work shop that was absolutely brilliant!

Times Tables 

We are working very hard on learning our times tables. We are currently learning our 3 times tables. Listen to us singing one of our favourite songs to help us learn!


During our music lessons we have been composing music. We've been learning about musical notes, beats and rests. This week, Mrs Reynolds showed us the notes for a very popular Christmas song and we had to try and figure out the tune. We then learnt how to play the tune on the glockenspiels.
Can you guess what song we are playing ? 

Religion - Baptism

In Religion, Year 3 have been learning about Baptism. We acted out the  ceremony in our chaplaincy room. We had a priest, parents and two Godparents. The children enjoyed playing the parts and remembered all of the key aspects and symbols of the sacrament

Science - Light and Shadows

Year 3 have had a great afternoon investigating shadows. First we created sculptures from tin foil. Next, we used torches to change their size and shape. 

Science - Light and Reflection 

Today we were Investigating which materials are best at reflecting light. We found that light, shiny materials reflected light well compared to dark, coloured materials.


Celebration of the Word

 To end our ‘Homes and Families’ unit in Religion, two of our children planned and prepared a beautiful Celebration of the Word session which focussed on The Holy Family and how they set a good example.

Science - Do all objects make a shadow? 

Today we investigated if all materials and objects can make a shadow. We found that opaque materials made the darkest shadows and translucent materials did not make a shadow. 

Place Value

In Maths, we have been using our partitioning skills to partition 3 digit numbers. We used base 10, counters and pictures to help us represent different numbers.

Religion - Homes and Families

In Religion, we have been thinking about how God wants us to act at home and towards our families. We looked at the famous painting 'Christ in the Carpenter's shop'. We examined what the Holy Family were doing in the painting and discussed how they were setting a good example.