St Peter's provides a breakfast club each morning managed by our fantastic teaching assistants, Mrs Noble, Mrs Millward and Mrs Read. The club begins at 7:45am and the cost is £2 per day. Breakfast club takes place in the school hall and you can use the side entrance from the car park to access the door in the morning. The club does provide the children with breakfast and there is a variety of choice for them. We do ask that if you would like your child to have breakfast at breakfast club, they arrive before 8:20am as this then allows them enough time to enjoy their meal. If you are interested in breakfast club or would like any more information, please complete the form below and return it to the office.
We do provide an after school club for the children at St Peter's which is organised by TOOSC. We have an extremely good connection with our privately ran after school club and they work collegially with the school to ensure a smooth transition for the children at the end of the day. The club runs from 3:10pm-6:00pm for the cost of £10 per night. If you wish for your child to be in after school club Monday-Friday, the cost is £45. The children are provided with a snack and have many fantastic activities to keep them engaged. If you would like any more information or wish to enrol your child in after school club, please click the link below.