The school gates open at 8:40am and the children come into school independently. Children go straight to class to begin their morning starters for an 8:50am start.

KS1 break is 10:15-10:30am and KS2 break is 10:30-10:45am.


EYFS lunch is 11:45-12:45

KS1 lunch is 12-1pm

Year 5 and 6 lunch is 12-1pm

Year 3 and 4 lunch is 12:30-1:30pm


At the end of the day, parents should collect their children from the front playground. Teachers will bring the class to them.

Children finish the day at staggered times -


EYFS at 3.20pm

Years 1 and 2 at 3:25pm

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 at 3:30pm


If children have siblings, parents collect at the later time. Older pupils collect younger pupils as they leave.


EYFS= 32 1/2 hrs

KS1= 32hrs and 55 minutes

KS2=33hrs and 20 minutes