Eco Council 

The Eco-Council is pupil-led and consists of two children per class nominated to represent each class from Year 2 to Year 6. These pupils play key roles in decision-making and participate in reducing the environmental impact of the school. The Eco-Council representatives are dedicated and enthusiastic individuals who work hard to improve and develop the school for the better.

The team members this year are-

Year 2- Max and Francesca

Year 3- Isla and Bartosz

Year 4- Matilda and Amelie

Year 5- Milo and Orla

Year 6- George


Tonight our eco council opened their first eco refill shop. There were lots of great things to buy including shampoo, washing up liquid and bubble bath. The children and parents brought reusable bottles to the shop and filled their bottles with the products.

The shop, known as "Warriors against waste warehouse" will be open on the first Monday of each month. 

Our Eco council have been really busy preparing for the opening of our Eco refill shop. They have created posters to advertise their products and been working out the prices for different items. They can't wait to get their shop open!

National Recycling Week

To help us celebrate National Recycle Week (14th October-20th October), we had a visit from Nigel Goulding from Rochdale Council. Nigel taught the Eco Team and the Science Champions all about the importance of recycling. Nigel explained how the four Rs- Reduce, Recycle, Reuse and Recover help us to protect and preserve God's earth. The children then sorted out different products into the four types of waste bins we have at home. We did an excellent job and were rewarded with certificates, badges, pens, pencils and book marks with seeds in them.

We would like to thank Nigel for coming to our school and leading such a fun and informative workshop!

Our Applications

Thank you to each and every one of the children whom sent in an application to be an Eco Council member. The posters, poems, photographs and letters were beautiful. I can tell lots of effort and time was put into creating them and it made the job of choosing a team extremely difficult. Here at St Peter's, we are incredibly lucky to have such caring and loving children. Children who take care of God's gift to us- the world! Thank you!

Mrs Jones

WC- 30th September

We started our first meeting by watching a video about Laudato Si and learned about the Pope's letter to us all asking us to care for our Common Home- Earth. We spoke about ways to do this. 


We were then given our Recycling Rota and have spent the week, working hard, emptying the classroom paper and plastic bins. On Monday 14th of October, a representative from Rochdale Council is coming into school to run a Recycling Workshop with the Eco Team and our Science Champions. 

Take a look at what we have been up to!

Wardley Hall

We visited the Laudato Si centre at Wardley Hall. We looked at all the eco friendly activities they do there so we could take ideas back to school. We made posters to promote eco practices and played games in the forest. We have lots of ideas to take forward now.

Prayer Garden

Thankyou to out yr3 Eco councillors who spent the afternoon filling our flower tubs with soil and then planting the flowers. You worked really hard and did a fabulous job. 

Can't wait to see how the flower tubs grow. 

St Peter’s Scarecrow Trail!

Thank you to our wonderful Eco Council children and Mrs Jones for hosting our first ever Scarecrow Trail. It was a great success and raised £68 towards new gardening equipment for the Eco team. The scarecrows were all magnificent, so much effort and skilful crafting went into them, it was such a lovely experience for the children to enjoy. Visitors and children had the opportunity  to vote for their favourite scarecrow. Today some of our Eco team went through the voting slips and the winning scarecrow with the most votes is... 

ADAM & WIKTORIA With their traditional scarecrow.

They will be presented with their prize in Monday’s assembly.
Well done to all of our entries, you  will each receive 20 House points. 


Team Task!

Our first task as a team, was to evaluate the land we have around our school and to look for signs of wildlife. We want our school to be a safe home for many different species and so we looked for potential habitats. In January, we will build a Bug Hotel at the back of our school in the hope minibeasts will come to live with us. We will also install bird houses so we can monitor the types of birds we have in Middleton. Later on in the year (after the hibernation period) we will place hedgehog homes around the school grounds and set up cameras so we can observe the animals at night. 


The Big Garden Bird Watch!

Every year, the RSPB (The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) asks members of the public to observe and count the types of birds that land in their gardens. This is an incredibly important job so that we know which species of birds are thriving and which birds, sadly, might be in danger of becoming extinct. 

In school, we made bird feeders to encourage birds onto our land and at home many of you have made homes and feeders to welcome birds. We are so impressed with how many of you took part in The Big Garden Bird Watch. We have been sent so many pictures of you feeding birds and looking up at the skies in the hope of seeing as many species as you can.

What kind and thoughtful boys and girls you are!  Below is a slideshow of some of the photos we have received. You should be very proud of yourselves, remember “All of us can cooperate as instruments of God for the care of creation”. 

Have a look at our slideshow below.

Earth Hour!

On Saturday 27th March, many of us took part in Earth Hour and joined millions of households across the world, switching off electricity to help us think about the energy we use.  This special time helped us to think about our responsibilities in helping to reduce 'global warming'. Thank you so much to everyone who participated. The Eco Council and I are very proud of you and are grateful for your support. Please view the gallery below to see how our children spent Earth Hour.