Miss G McKeogh - Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Clinch and Mrs Moreton -Designated Deputy Safeguarding Leads
Please contact the safeguarding leads on 0161 643 3946
Mrs J Clinch- Headteacher jclinch@stpetersrc.rochdale.sch.uk
RE lead, French lead, PHSE lead
Mrs H Moreton - Deputy Headteacher, KS2 Lead, Maths lead and Music lead
Miss G McKeogh - Assistant Headteacher / Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo)
Please contact the SENCo on 0161 643 3946
or email on GMcKeogh@stpetersrc.rochdale.sch.uk
Mrs Beaumont - EYFS / Key Stage 1 Leader (currently on maternity leave)
Miss Barrett will be temporarily covering this role
Miss G Cromey - Business Manager
Mrs L Bailey - Office Administrator
For any queries please contact the school office on 0161 643 3946 or email
Miss K Davies - Lunchtime Organiser
Mr P Grimshaw - Site Manager
Miss C Barrett - EYFS Class Teacher (Level 3 Forest School Leader, Art lead and Design and Technology lead) (temporary EYFS and KS1 lead)
Miss Mckeogh- Year 1 Class Teacher (SENCO, Pupil Premium and LAC lead))
Mrs K Jones - Year 2 Class Teacher (Geography lead, Eco-council lead and KS1 Science lead)
Miss Bowers- Year 3 Class Teacher (History lead and KS2 Science lead)
Miss Langton - Year 4 Class Teacher (temporary maternity cover)
Miss Ho (IT lead) and Miss Brough (Friday) - Year 5 Class Teachers
Mrs H Moreton - Year 6 Class Teacher (Deputy Headteacher and Maths and Music lead)
Miss Brough - Part Time Class Teacher (School Council lead)
Mr B Lord - PE Teacher
Mrs J Reynolds - Music Teacher
Mrs Beaumont-English lead- currently on maternity leave.
Mrs P Noble - EYFS Teaching Assistant
Mrs V Jepson - EYFS 1-1 Teaching Assistant
Mrs J Sinton- EYFS (3 days) / KS1 Teaching Assistant (2 days)
Miss J Heapy - Key Stage 1 Teaching Assistant (3 days)
Mrs J Eaton - Key Stage 1 Teaching Assistant (4 days)
Mrs N Moore - Lower Key Stage 2 Teaching Assistant
Mrs Bond- Lower Key Stage 2 Teaching Assistant
Mrs C Millward- Upper Key Stage 2 Teaching Assistant-Yr5- (cover in yr6 on a Monday and cover in yr4 on a Wednesday PM)
Mrs A Read - Upper Key Stage 2 Teaching Assistant-Yr6- (4 days)
Mrs Lloyd - Upper Key Stage 2 Teaching Assistant (4 days) and Year 2 (1 day)