Thanks to our amazing kitchen staff for a delicious Christmas dinner.


This year we have been taking part in a project funded by The Royal Society. This has involved the eco councillors and science ambassadors working together to design and build a bug hotel. The project started back in January, when our STEM ambassador, Dr Aaron English came to school to help us survey our school grounds to find a suitable location. This was followed by a trip to Martin Mere WWT, back in February, to see the world’s largest bug hotel and find out how it was built. 

Back in school, we were busy designing it and now, thanks to the amazing skills and the donation of time and resources from one of our parents and his company, MPM Timber, we have a fantastic bug hotel within our school grounds. All of the children have been involved in making some nature pods to fill it, thanks to the resources kindly donated by local joiners James Thorpe and Sons and we have our fantastic sign, made by Ainsley signs in Middleton, using our winning design by Lydia Crossley in year 4. 

We are all looking forward to seeing how much more wildlife is attracted to our school grounds and the different learning opportunities this feature brings. We are planning on planting wild flowers around it and have a smaller bug hotel made from pallets to be filled throughout the year.

As part of the project, each class was involved in investigating a question linked to our bug hotel or asked to make resources which could be used with it. All of our learning was presented to Dr English, when he came into school to open the bug hotel, ‘Bugingham Palace’.


Book in a Jar Competition

Thank-you to everyone who entered our book in a jar competition. We are incredibly impressed with all of them! You really deserve the certificates and prizes that you will be receiving. All entries are currently on display in the library for any children who wish to go and look at the entries.


 Year 4, 5 and 6 had a wonderful time at this year’s winter disco. Thanks to all the parent volunteers from the PTFA who helped organise the event and all the staff who helped to supervise, especially our resident DJ Mrs Moore.


Here are a few pictures from our Sport's day this year. Thankyou to Mr Lord and our Sport's leaders for organising the days. 


Congratulations to all of our talent show finalists. They all did brilliantly and the show was a huge success. Everyone who auditioned will receive 20 house points with finalists receiving 50 house points. The winners were: KS1

3rd Place -  Heidi 

2nd Place - The Princesses  Isla, Thea & Isla

1st Place  - Martha, Amelie, Ava & Emmi 


3rd Place - Wiktoria 

2nd Place - Naughty Girls - Emilia, Isla, Rosa, Lilliarna, Sophie & Ava 

1st Place - Nia 



We had a fantastic day celebrating the King's Coronation!

Every class took part in a dance workshop. Each class learnt a traditional dance from countries in the United Kingdom. 

Our very talented kitchen staff made an amazing afternoon tea style buffet full of delicious sandwiches and cakes. 

We have created a collaborative display to show all of the work we did to celebrate the new King.


Book Swap!

Take a look at some of our photos from across the school on world book day. A massive thank-you to everyone who brought books in to swap. The book swap was a massive hit with all children… “wow this is like a free book shop with hot chocolate and treats!” (Unnamed child in y1)