Library news

Today, our librarians eagerly awaited the news of the winner of the Young People's Book Prize. It ended up being their second choice of the books but they all agreed it was a great read. 

Our children love reviewing books for the Young People’s Book Prize. They read the books, discuss them and then try to decide which books are the most popular. They give excellent feedback and the school receives lots of lovely new books from the Royal Society. 

This week we have been extremely lucky to welcome a published author into our school library. Katie Fraser Kirk lives locally and is one of our parents here at St Peter’s school. She is a qualified English teacher and has recently written her own poetry book all about ‘Feelings’ 

Katie came into the library to share some of the poems with a group of children. It was a lovely experience for them. The book aims to support children in managing their emotions through playful narrative and colourful child friendly illustrations, which have also been created by Katie. The book has been shared by the children in the library and the children have enjoyed reciting the poems together.

Thank you Katie ! 



MON- 1-1:30pm-Year 3

TUES-1-1:30pm- Year 4

WED-  Closed at lunchtime

THURS-  1-1:30pm-Year 6

FRI- 1-1:30pm-Year 5