"The game is never more important than the people you play it with."
Debra Demaline Maxted
At St Peter's RC Primary School, we are ATHLETES! We want our children to develop a lifelong love of physical activity, sport and PE. We want them to have no limits to what their ambitions are and grow up wanting to be personal trainers, nutritionists, sports journalist or gold medal winners.
We are proud to have earned our Gold School Games mark.
We aim to offer a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum tailored to all children. This, alongside extra-curricular experiences, ensures they will continue to have the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for their engagement in physical activity, sport and PE.
We believe this helps our children maintain a positive physical and mental outlook for the future.
Physical Education (P.E.) helps pupils to develop physically, personally and socially. The children work as individuals, in groups and in teams, developing concepts of fairness and of personal and social responsibility. They take on different roles and responsibilities, including leadership, coaching and officiating. Through the range of experiences that P.E. offers, they learn how to be effective in competitive, creative and challenging situations.
At St Peter's RC Primary School, it is our intention that all children will have the chance to reach these goals. To achieve this, P.E. will be delivered via high quality lessons that are fun, engaging and will inspire all pupils to lead physically active lives. We aim to maximise the development of every child’s ability and achievement in the area of PE enabling them to know more about physical activity and how it is a key component of a healthy lifestyle.
We utilise PE Passport - created by PE specialists who share a passion for developing a high-quality challenging, progressive and memorable PE provision - which is an online Physical Education planning, assessment and tracking tool designed to enable teachers to deliver, monitor and assess all children’s achievements and progress in P.E. The PE Passport is child centred and allows pupils' achievement’s in and out of school to be recorded and tracked from Reception right through to Year 6. By utilising the PE Passport, we have access to a full curriculum of engaging, interactive P.E lessons for each year group with each lesson containing clear, progressive learning objectives; differentiated activities and videos to support the delivery, understanding and progress of the children.
Within Year Group or Key Stages, topics include:
- Fundamental Movement Skills: This area covers children in Early Years Foundation Stage starting to perform fundamental skills at an emerging level. These skills include travelling fast, running fast, hopping on both feet, rolling a ball underarm, underarm throw, overarm throw, bouncing a ball and catching a ball; developing to also include dodging, skipping, side galloping, striking a ball off a tee and striking with a drop feed by the end of Year 2. In Years 3 – 6 children continue to master these fundamental skills, develop sport specific skills and improve their consistency, accuracy, confidence, control and speed in using these skills.
- Invasion Games: This area covers children in Early Years Foundation Stage starting to run skilfully to negotiate space, avoid obstacles and adjust speed and direction; in Year 1 implementing simple tactics to outwit an opponent; in Year 2 moving into space to pass or receive a ball and striking and throwing a ball away from fielders or opponents; in Years 3-6 developing and refining sport specific skills (e.g. chest pass, bounce pass, dribbling, catching, shooting, kicking and receiving a pass) attacking skills and defending skills.
- Outdoor Adventurous Activities (Year 3 – 6): This area covers children learning how to orientate a map, use control cards and navigate a course safely to using these skills with increased confidence, speed and accuracy whilst using a compass effectively, setting the direction of travel from a map and compass, being increasingly independent and following a course successfully. These skills are developed in P.E. lessons and during Forest School sessions.
- Gymnastics: This area covers children in Early Years Foundation Stage starting to move freely and with confidence, climb and jump off equipment safely; in Year 1 to creating simple combinations of movements, travelling on feet or hands and feet to balancing (on 3 or 4 large body parts), jumping and landing, creating shapes, rolling (egg roll and pencil roll) and using apparatus; to Year 2 creating longer sequences, travelling on feet or hands and feet, to balancing, rolling (dish roll and teddy roll) and using apparatus; to Years 3-6 creating longer sequences (up to 8-10 actions) and a greater variety of travels, balances (including counter balance and counter tension), jumps and rolls.
- Athletics: This area covers children in Early Years Foundation Stage starting to perform the fundamental movement skills (running, throwing, rolling a ball and use of space) at an emerging level; in Year 1 developing the fundamental movement skills (plus hopping and jumping); to Year 2 being able to master some of the basic skills; to Years 3-6 to developing specific athletic skills and performing them with speed, accuracy, control and confidence.
- Dance: This area covers children in Early Years Foundation Stage starting to create movement, gestures and expression in response to music; in Year 1 to develop, repeat and link movements using actions like turn, jump, gesture and stillness; in Year 2 to remember and repeat phrases to create sequences of 3 or 4 actions and to vary speed, energy and strength of movements; in Years 3 – 6 to develop longer sequences with control and precision, either individually or with a partner, and creativity compose simple dances with an awareness of their audience.
- Striking and Fielding (Year 1 – 6): This area covers children in Year 1 and Year 2 striking a ball off a tee and starting to use tactics; to Years 3-6 to developing specific skills that are transferable to different sporting activities. These skills include the development of control, speed, accuracy and confidence in bowling underarm, striking a ball off a tee and a thrown ball, catching a ball and overarm throwing when fielding.
- Net and Wall (Year 1 – 6): This area covers children in Year 1 and Year 2 looking for space to throw, hit and run and starting to use tactics; to Years 3-6 to developing specific skills that are transferable to different sporting activities. These skills include the development of control, speed, accuracy and confidence in positioning, over and underarm throwing, holding a racket and forehand and backhand strokes.
- Swimming in Year 4- children attend weekly swimming lessons for 3 half-terms. Children learn how to swim unaided from a variety of starting points. The children will be taught to swim a minimum of 25 metres using a range of different strokes. They will understand about water safety, hazards and risks and perform self-rescue.
The National curriculum purpose of study states:
“A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.”
We aim to provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way that supports their health and fitness, whilst boosting self-confidence, self-esteem and supporting the development of social skills; encouraging all children to become successful, lifelong learners.
We aim to provide this through:
- Providing 2hours of dedicated Physical Education per week
- A range of after school clubs provided for the children across the school.
We are aware that research has shown a direct link between children’s physical and mental health and therefore we aim to provide experiences that will inspire pupils to not only develop physically but ensure mental wellbeing and a desire to succeed.
As the children move through the school, knowledge and skills are built upon and learning takes place sequentially. Our curriculum is designed in a way that enables the teachers to have the flexibility to ensure that the children develop knowledge and skills through the use of a wide range of sports.
We monitor and assess the impact of our P.E. scheme through both formative and summative assessments. Each lesson provides the teacher with the opportunity to assess the children against the learning objectives make a summative assessment against children’s ability to perform, their personal and social development and their attainment over the course of each unit and adapt the lessons or tasks in light of these assessments. EYFS children are assessed against age and stage related outcomes in the Early Learning Goals. Simple assessment of the children against their ability to perform; to work collaboratively and to compete help to build a profile of the individual’s attainment and progress as well as progress across year groups and the whole school. The use of The PE Passport allows for the monitoring of standards in school as well as the children’s participation in clubs and competitions.
The expected impact of our P.E. scheme of work is that the children will:
- Have access to high quality, enjoyable and active P.E. lessons.
- Through collaborative learning in P.E., develop higher-level thinking skills and boost their confidence and self-esteem.
- Understand the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle on their physical and emotional well-being.
- Increase physical fitness levels and participation in activities.
- Develop self-confidence, empathy and understanding by encouraging children to work together and support each other.
- Show a clear progression of skills across all areas of the National curriculum.
- Meet the end of key stage expectations outlined in the National curriculum for P.E.
Gymnastics road map of skills EYFS to Year 6
Strike and field road map of skills EYFS to Year 6
Invasion games road map of skills EYFS to Year 6