Below you will find important information. Please come back and visit this page regularly for updated information.

Here you will find our current class timetable.

On occasion, lessons may vary due to staffing changes, events or activities within school.



Children should arrive between 8.40am and 8.50am using the main entrance.

Year 6 classes will leave school at 3.30pm, via the front playground.            


P.E. lessons will take place twice a week:

Tuesday morning (Thursdays for Spring term )and Friday afternoon.


Please ensure children come to school in their school PE kit on these days – they may wear a plain navy tracksuit/leggings when the weather is cold.






Homework will be set each Monday and is due for return on Fridays. 


Spelling rules will be practised throughout the week, with a test taking place each Friday. The following site will also be used to support spelling with a weekly online activity which children can access at home:


 Children are to complete 1 page per week in their Maths homework book.


Children should also access Spelling Shed, TTRS and Numbots for further independent work.


We strongly recommend that all children read for at least ten minutes each night. Doing so will develop both their reading and writing skills.

The children will be encouraged to develop more independence with changing their reading books and can do so on any day of the week. This year every child will have their own Reading Record of which an adult needs to sign each night to show your child has read.

If you would like to access additional online reading books, you can do so on the Oxford Owl website, using the following details: 

My class login:

Username: year5/6h     Password: books5/6H