Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul
To celebrate the feast day of our patron Saint, St. Peter, we invited family members in to join us for our whole school celebration of the word. After refreshments were served, they joined us in class to help with our art activity linked to St. Peter. We made some beautiful weaved fish to remind us that Peter was a fisherman.
Sports Day 2024
Despite the rain, we all really enjoyed this year’s sports day. Everyone took part and encouraged it other. It was lovely to see such great sportsmanship from everybody involved.
Castleshaw Rivers Trip
We had a fantastic day in Delph, Saddleworth, learning all about rivers as part of our new geography topic. We walked up a stream, to find the source of the river, it was really exciting walking in the narrow stream and seeing the v-shaped valley get deeper and deeper as we followed it up the hillside. We saw examples of erosion, transportation and deposition and learnt about the different uses of rivers and streams. In the afternoon, we sampled the water and identified the different aquatic creatures we found. We used this information to decide how polluted or clean the water was. The water in Delph is very clean. We had great fun, learn lots and made memories.
Feel Good Friday
We had a wonderful day focusing on our wellbeing. The children took part in various activities including: art, yoga, orienteering and circus skills. They learned about the importance of looking after their mental health and strategies they can use to keep themselves healthy.
Our art this half term has been inspired by nature. We have used view finders to focus on small areas and the fine details, designed repeating patterns using a technique used by fabric designers and for our final piece, we used glue batik technique.
Our History topic this half term is all about Anglo-Saxons and how they came to settle in Britain. After learning that they were invited by the Romans to help the Britains defend themselves against the Scotts, we then started to look at why they decided to stay and settle in Britain. As part of our learning we built some walls using the traditional technique of ‘Wattle and Daub’ using pipe cleaners, wooden sticks and a mixture of clay, water and straw.
This half term we are learning all about states of matter. We began by observing raisins dropped in lemonade and tried to use the key words: solid, liquid and gas to describe and explain our observations. We also organised the properties of solids liquids and gases before using ourselves as particles and modelling how the particles are arranged in a solid, liquid and gas.
Spring 2
Easter Egg Hunt
What a fantastic way to finish for the Easter break! The children really enjoyed their whole school treat of an Easter egg hunt.
Stations of the Cross
To help us reflect on the events of Holy Week, our chaplains led us through the stations of the cross.
Lenten Games
Thank you for supporting your children to help make our Lenten games a great success. We have raised an amazing £147.67 for St Joseph’s Penny.
World Book Day 2024
It was wonderful to see all the children dressed up as their favourite character from a book. Thank you for all your support with getting costumes prepared, they really did look amazing! We had a fantastic day reading to the children in year one and trying to decide who were ‘The Masked Readers’.
Matilda Production
The children had a wonderful time performing alongside the talented students at Cardinal Langley, in the production of Matilda. All their hard work paid off and they were a real credit to our school. It was lovely to see some former St. Peter’s pupils continuing to use their amazing skills in acting, singing and dancing too. A big thank you to everyone involved at Cardinal Langley and good luck with the rest of your performances.
Poetry Recital
As part of our learning in English we have performed a poetry recital during our Monday morning whole school assembly. We performed, ‘Today I Feel’ by Gervaise Phinn. It was a beautiful poem which used lots of similes to describe how we may be feeling.
City of Trees
To help improve our school environment, we have been given over 200 trees to plant in our school grounds. Staff from ‘City of Trees’ came in to explain the importance of trees for creating habitats to encourage wildlife to come and live in our school environment and explained how trees take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which contributes to global warming. We had great fun learning all about how important trees are and then planting lots of them.
Multiplication Madness
To help us embed our learning of the times tables and related division facts, we have been playing some games and learning songs.
Multiplication Tables Check
Please find below information about the Multiplication Tables Check in Year 4.
We have enjoyed lots of Christmas activities during these last few days including our amazing Christmas dinner and our party day. All the staff wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and we look forward to welcoming all the children back in the new year.
We performed our Ancient Egyptian song from Autumn 1 as part of our Ancient Egypt day. Some children performed musical accompaniments, whilst the rest of us sang with actions. I’m sure you will agree, they all did an amazing job.
Ancient Egyptian Day
This term in History, we have been learning all about Ancient Egypt. To celebrate all our amazing work, we had an Ancient Egypt day, where we had an expert, Nick Credible, from Dantastic Education who came in to work with us in the morning. We learned all about mummification and got to look at some amazing artefacts. In the afternoon we watched ‘The Prince of Egypt’ which also reminded us of the story of Moses from the bible.
Christmas Pantomime
Our Christmas celebrations began today, when we were treated to a visit from a performing arts group, who put on a performance of ‘Sinbad’ for this year’s panto. We really enjoyed it, especially the parts where we could join in. “Oh no we didn’t”
”Oh yes we did!”
To help us prepare for Advent, the start of the church’s year, we each made our own advent calendar to remind us of the symbols of advent and the true meaning of Christmas.
Anti bullying Week 2023
This week, Rochdale Athletic Football Club Community Trust came into school to deliver a workshop about anti bullying. We discussed the difference between banter and bullying and identified the different types of bullying. We then looked at who we can talk to if we need help. The activities were fun and interactive and we all came away having learned something.
Marble Treat
What a great end to our first week back. After earning 30 marbles for collectively showing a great attitude to learning and following our class agreement, the children decided on a movie afternoon, with treats, blankets and teddies. We had a fabulous afternoon and have filled our head with memories and bellies with sweets, crisps and chocolate!
As part of our art learning, we have been exploring how to create texture using different mediums, including pencils, wax resits and collage. We have also explored 3D perception and will be using all our techniques to produce a final collaborate print.
This half term we have been focusing on structure and performance. After learning the lyrics, melody and actions to our Amazing Egyptians song, we then learned ostinati and canon accompaniments. We also looked at music notation when learning the melody line on the glockenspiels. We are looking forward to performing our song at the end of our History topic on Ancient Egypt.
Welcome to Year 4
We have had a great first couple of weeks back in school. The children have all settled in well and are quickly getting used to our class routines. They have all been engaged and working hard with their Maths learning on place value and enjoying our first class novel, ‘The Egyptian Cinderella’ by Shirley Climo, which also links with our first History topic, Ancient Egyptians. We have all worked together to create our class agreement and have enjoyed learning our new ‘Friday song’. I am really looking forward to the rest of our year together.
Please keep coming back to visit so that you can see all of the fun and exciting things we get up to in class!