Marble Treat

Today we got our treat for getting 30 marbles for great behaviour. We enjoyed eating ice lollies, playing with our friends in our lovely school gardens and getting creative.

Year 1 Assembly - Courage

We are so proud of all the children for their parts in our y1 assembly! They performed poetry, songs and drama and reflected on times they have shown courage. Take a look at some snippets below.


History - Old and New Toys

We have loved exploring old and new toys in history. We have been looking at what type of materials they are made from, how they were made and comparing similarities and differences between old and new toys. We have been developing our understanding of timelines.


Maths. - Number and Place Value

 We have been making numbers in lots of different ways to help us understand place value. We have used numicon, ten frames, base ten and number lines to help us. We have been learning vocabulary such as: Tens, ones, greater than, less than.

More Continuous Provision

We are really enjoying continuing to develop our paining, building, communication and teamwork skills every day in continuous provision.

Religion - The Church

We have been learning all about how people come together in church to be part of God’s family. We made and decorated biscuits help us remember that after Mass, people are often invited to stay for tea and biscuits.


Religion - Advent

We have done lots of activities as part of our learning about Advent this December. We rewrote the Nativity story and retold it using figures in the small world area and sand area. We made advent wreaths and watched the Nativity story performed by Year 2.

Outdoor Learning

We have loved putting on our wellies and exploring our school’s fantastic outdoor areas. We played in the mud kitchen, counted and recorded insects, played schools in the writing den and developed our gross motor skills with friends.

Continuous Provision

Take a look at a few of our continuous provision areas from Autumn B.

History - Great Fire of London

 We have loved learning about the Great Fire of London! We especially enjoyed the Great Fire of London Day. We dressed up, baked bread to help us remember that the fire started in a bakery, performed a poem in front of the whole school, wrote facts, completed word searches and painted pictures of fire using watercolour over wax crayon. It has definitely been a topic to remember! :)

Design Technology. - Fruit Smoothies

We designed, made and evaluated our own fruit smoothies. Before this, we learned all about how and where different fruit and vegetables grow. We then tasted a range of fruit to help us design our smoothies.

Religion - Baptism

We have been learning all about the sacrament of Baptism. We visited church and acted out a baptism and lit a candle for All Saints and All Souls in November. We continued our learning about baptism in continuous provision - acting it out, drawing pictures and using play dough to help us remember the symbols of baptism. 

Maths - Number

We have been looking in detail at numbers and learning how to order and sequence them. We have been learning vocabulary such as: smaller, bigger, greater than, less than and equal to. 

Geography - Hot and cold places 

 We have really enjoyed using 3D globes, atlases and “global” to look at different places on the planet. We have talked about where we live on Earth and what the weather is like in comparison to other places. We have coloured in maps, found places of personal interest (such as holiday destinations) and used atlases to look at countries to the equator. We loved learning about different flags. We have been comparing the Sahara desert and Antarctica. 

Music - Long and Short sounds

We have really enjoyed using instruments, movement, song and body percussion to learn about long and short sounds in music this half term.

English - The Naughty Bus

The naughty bus (story by Jan Oke) came to visit our classroom!! We were very excited. We wrote letters and questions to him in English. We wrote wanted posters and labelled diagrams. Some of us even chose to do extra writing about him in our continuous provision time!

Maths and English  - Our New Table Places

We have been getting used to working at tables more often. We have all settled really well and are working hard to impress our teachers.

Settling in

 We have had a lovely time settling into year 1, getting to know our new continuous provision areas and playing with our friends.

Please keep coming back to visit so that you can see all of the fun and exciting things we get up to in class!