Below you will find important information. Please come back and visit this page regularly for updated information.

Here you will find our current class timetable.

On occasion, lessons may vary due to staffing changes, events or activities within school.



Children should arrive between 8.40am and 8.50am and enter the building via the classroom door.

Year 1 children will leave school at 3.25pm, via the front playground. Any children with older siblings will remain in class until their eldest sibling finishes school. Children attending after school club will be collected by after school club staff from the classroom.


 PE will take place on TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS. 

Please ensure your child has the correct indoor and outdoor PE kit in school at all times.






Maths and Spelling booklets will be sent home with the children and assignments set on Spelling Shed every week.

The children will be given them on Monday and they should be returned on Friday. 

Children will be tested on a Friday morning and scores will be recorded.

Spellings will also be set on Spelling Shed.

Using this regularly increases children's chances of being awarded certificates in assembly.

Please also remember to use Numbots too.


Reading books will be sent home each week alongside a reading record. Please sign and add a comment in  your child's reading record so we know how they are doing at home and if they have read. Please send your child's book bag into school every day, as this helps with communication and letters.

Children will change their books on the days below.

MONDAY - Red Team - St John

TUESDAY - Yellow Team - St Mark

WEDNESDAY - Green Team - St Luke

THURSDAY - Blue Team - St Matthew

FRIDAY - opportunity for some to change books for a second time if needed

Please ensure that your child has their reading books and record with them on their book change day.

Oxford Owl is a fantastic site, on which you can access lots of reading books, just like the ones we send home from school. They are all colour banded, just like the ones we have in school, so the children will be familiar with them. 

Click: "My Class Login"

Class Username: year1-stpeters

Class Password: books123