Our Trip to the Zoo.
We shared a fabulous day at Blackpool Zoo on Wednesday. The children seemed to have had a wonderful experience seeing so many majestic animals up close. The children were impeccably behaved and we are extremely proud of them all.
In Spring, Year 2 were learning about African animals as part of their Geography unit, it was amazing to see so many of the animals we had studied, there, in the flesh! I think our favourites were the mighty elephants. We were mesmerised by them.
Have a look at some of the photos we took of our adventure...
After finishing our fabulous Bonfire Poems last week, we have now moved on to learning about Non-Fiction texts. To help us, we spent some time looking through a variety of Non-Fiction text books. Our aim was to find the following features-
- Contents Page
- Glossary
- Index
- Photographs
- Labelled diagrams.
I wonder if the children could find these features in any Non-Fiction books they have at home...
On Friday 10th November, Year 2 and Year 6 visited Middleton Cenotaph to pay our respects to all those that have lost their lives, fighting to keep people in Britain safe.
Our beautiful service was led by the children whom read prayers and sang songs. At 11am, we held two minutes silence so we could think about those that have fallen. We placed crosses in the ground to remember those whom we have lost. We laid a special wreath for Jim Healy who sadly passed away last year. We miss him dearly.
Thank you to all of the children for their respect and reverence. You did us proud!
Autumn 1
What a wonderful start we have had to Year 2 so far. Here are some photos of our learning.
During today’s science lesson, we found that polyester was a material in most of our coats. To test how waterproof the material was, we went to play outside, in the rain for 10 minutes. We zipped up our coats and put our hoods up to keep us fully dry. Then, we came inside, removed our coats and looked at how the rain water stayed on the outside. The rain water did not absorb into the material.
Carl from Rochdale Mayfield Rugby Club and Max from Wigan Warriors came to school again this week and taught us how to play Tag Rugby. Using our dodging and weaving skills, we had to detach our friends tags from their belts. We also practiced our throwing and catching skills too. We love our Rugby session and can't wait for our final one next week.
In maths, we have been learning the place value of numbers to 100. We have partitioned numbers into tens and ones. We've also been learning how to read and write the numbers too. We are finding the numbers eight, fifteen, forty, eighty and ninety tricky. We will continue to learn these over the next few days.
As well as learning how to dance with Mr. Lord, we are lucky enough to have a professional Rugby player coming in every Tuesday afternoon to teach us new skills. This week, the children learnt how to carry a Rugby ball correctly and to weave in and out of cones. We enjoyed some relay races too.
In History, we have been learning all about Castles. In our second lesson, we looked at how Castles have changed over time. We discovered that Motte and Bailey castles were the first type built but because they were made from wood, they were susceptible to fire and rot. These were replaced with Stone and Bailey castles which are what they children recognised as 'traditional castles'. We are looking forward to learning about William the Conqueror and the Battle of Hastings next week.